To familiarize new students with important introductory information concerning their Hapkido training, we have prepared a two-page PDF file. Please read this material in its entirety. The information you have selected (Textbooks) is one of several topics contained in this file. Other topics can be viewed online via the Classes>Orientation menu at left. To download the PDF file, click on the link at the bottom of this page.
Hapkido is a very complex martial art. If you are a new student or taking up Hapkido for the first time, we recommend you obtain the following 128‑page book, which provides a concise overview of Hapkido's history, philosophy, and techniques:

Hapkido: An Introduction to the Art of Self-Defense.
By Marc Tedeschi.
Published by Weatherhill, 2001.

If you are a serious student aspiring to black‑belt level, then you will need to obtain the following 1136‑page book:

Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique.
By Marc Tedeschi.
Published by Weatherhill, 2000.

You can purchase these texts from any retail bookseller. For further information on these books, visit www.tedeschi-media.com (see link below).
Rank Manuals
Hapkido West also copublishes a series of rank manuals summarizing promotion requirements and techniques associated with specific Hapkido color‑belt and black‑belt ranks. For further information, click on the Resources menu at left, or the links below.
Further Information
For further information on books and rank manuals, click on these links:
•  Rank Manuals
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